Buntport Theater

In the foreground, a couple holds each other while smiling in a strained way. She is pregnant and he wears a bow tie. In the background, three other people argue. Strangely, they are all standing in a room that is upside down. Pink carpet covers the ceiling.

Vote for Uncle Marty


A political satire in an upside-down world about the right man for the job, depending on what the job is.

When faced with the absurd, what should we do? Ignore it? Accept it? Fight it? Laugh at it? But forget “should” … what do we do?

Vote for Uncle Marty is a satirical look at this crazy world we live in. Paying homage to theatre of the absurd and drawing on our ample experience writing live sit-coms, Buntport Theater Company has created a play about five people. Five people in a house. One of them is an uncle. It isn’t Marty. Come watch them live their simple little lives in a world that doesn’t quite work.