Quixote, the first show created by Buntport Theater, is a transformative action piece satirizing academic life. Miguel de Cervantes’ novel Don Quixote inspired the arc and some of the text of the show. The performance style, on the other hand, has many influences that we consider to appropriately capture the feel of Cervantes’ work: East European Action Design, Comedia del’ Arte, Vaudeville, cartoon animation and comic book illustration. The show is a fun mixture of playful intellectual discussion and slapstick humor.
Quixote is staged entirely with only chalk, chalkboards and erasers, the age-old tools of academia. The protagonist is a professor that is as obsessed with the novel Don Quixote as the character Don Quixote is obsessed with books on chivalry.
- Colorado Springs Independent- Sally Forth: Don Quixote de la chalkboard
- Rocky Mountain News- Technique Fascinates in ‘Quixote’
- Winnepeg Fringe Fest- Quixote