Buntport Theater

A man sits in a Barca lounger with a 1970s crocheted throw over the back. A woman with big hair stands behind him, rubbing his shoulders. Above them is a lamp. In the background is a wall with three sections: the living room, kitchen, and outside.

Marlowe’s Musings- Electra Onion Eater

Buntport Theatre is a gift of the gods! Their lampooning of Sophocles’ Greek tragedy “Electra” is a delectable ambrosia.

“Electra Onion Eater” proves once again that the demigods over at Buntport have the recipe for turning the most tragic tale into an evening of theatre that’s an Olympian laugh riot! Anyone who saw their send-up of Shakespeare’s “Titus” knows that.

The genius of this troupe is that they are able to sublimate ego (Really? I know!) and collaborate in the writing and directing in order to bring forth shows that are somehow sublimely smart and sensationally silly.

This one is sort of a tragedy of the geeks that gives us a mash-up of contemporary sit com and advert jingle while providing a nudge and a wink to the mask which uneasy wears the frown.

Hannah Duggan is the magnificently breezy and carefree matriarch, Clytemenestra. Erin Rollman is her hysterical (and hysterically funny) daughter Electra who, continues to grieve for her dead daddy Agamemnon by cryin’ like a rat eatin’ onions. Erik Edborg is Orestes, Elektra’s long lost bro.

In this glimpse into the dirty laundry of one of the original dysfunctional families of Greek theatre the Buntport crew has brought in guest artist Andrew Horwitz as friend of the fam, Brucey-Goosey.

Even if you have never heard of Sophocles’ “Electra” … No Worries! The show’s so tight you get it all right from the start.

This show comes with the highest of recommendations from this reviewer’s desk.

— David Marlowe, November 8, 2013, Blogspot.com