Buntport Theater

A woman in full camp counselor regalia stands posed in front of a fake river made of blue bubble pop. Behind her two male campers stand holding one another. A Resusci Annie sits alone in a camp chair to the left.

Greetings from Camp Katabasis


A comedic journey to the edge of nothing, featuring the deadpan acting style of a Resusci-Annie doll.

Jim, Pete, and Chuck have been going camping together ever since they bonded at Camp Katabasis. This year Jim and Pete are on their own, trying to navigate nature and themselves. With help from a mythical camp counselor, it’s possible they will survive the journey.

A riff on the Greek tales of journeys to the underworld, Greetings from Camp Katabasis stars Brian Colonna, Erik Edborg, Hannah Duggan, and Annie (the armless CPR tool).