Buntport Theater

Three space people wearing huge black space helmets are in a parking lot in front of a wall that has been painted to look like outer space. The two people in the foreground look as if they are trying to look like they are floating and a third space person is laying on their belly on a bench as if they are floating.

GetBoulder.com- Space People In Space

I don’t want to lie to you.  I just told you above that there were tickets available, but the truth is that the current performances are sold out.  But if you call and put yourself on the wait list  you might be able to get in at the last minute if there are cancellations.  OR if the kids at Buntport get enough interest, they might be able to add performances.  Trust me, it’s worth it.

This little bit of nonsense involves the four people that are the tour guides/flight attendants for a group in a spaceship (the audience) on their way to Mars.  The audience is like Elon Musk’s tenth shipload of people going to the Red Planet to colonize a new community.  Unfortunately, not all the spaceships make it through the gauntlet of asteroids and space junk that now surrounds Mars.  Most of the crew tries to hide these frightening facts from their passengers, but hints and random remarks slip out that make the situation more obvious.  As usual and as expected, the show is full of the twisted sense of humor and hilarious special effects we have come to expect from this group . . . . from a visual monitor of the flight path to a floating cemetary outside the ship.  Did I mention that this foolishness all takes place in the parking lot of the Buntport space? 

We find ourselves in the no man’s land halfway between Earth and Mars before we are informed that there is no full service meals.  The flight attendants have pretzels secreted in their space suits,  The passengers have nothing.  In order to prepare us for our neighbors on Mars (in case we actually make it), they have a Martian on board that pops up out of a trunk.  Brian Colonna’s character Shirley (I know – don’t ask) misses his father and feels the need to be truthful with the passengers.  Erin Rollman’s character Mindee is her usual bossy self, taking control and trying to keep order.  Erik Edborg has perfected the bumbling awkward Shep while Hannah Duggan gives us a somewhat confused but determined and optimistic Rosie.  They make the most of the parking lot setting and ad lib their way through whatever unexpectedly happens in the outdoor venue.

You never know what to expect with a Buntport show EXCEPT that it will be exceedingly clever, much more intelligent than most scripted comedies, funny in a way that makes you think while laughing out loud, and always too short.  That you can count on.

A WOW factor of 9!!

-Beki Pineda May 31st, 2021 GetBoulder.com