buntporTED Talks
buntporTED Talks
Buntport uses topics solicited from social media to attempt Ted style talks. Tickets $8 online ($7-$9 at the door)
Buntport uses topics solicited from social media to attempt Ted style talks. Tickets $8 online ($7-$9 at the door)
Singleling is a monthly podcast that features love and dating stories from comedians, storytellers and regular people from all over the world. Ticket $15 available through Eventbright.
Featuring two unrehearsed performers who have never met, Celebration, Florida by Greg Wohead is a quietly surreal show for anyone who has ever missed anyone or anything. Get tickets here! Veering between reality and simulation, Celebration, Florida orbits around ideas of surrogacy; a stand-in to replace a person you miss, a re-creation of an experience you can't stop thinking […]
Featuring two unrehearsed performers who have never met, Celebration, Florida by Greg Wohead is a quietly surreal show for anyone who has ever missed anyone or anything. Get tickets here! Veering between reality and simulation, Celebration, Florida orbits around ideas of surrogacy; a stand-in to replace a person you miss, a re-creation of an experience you can't stop thinking […]
Featuring two unrehearsed performers who have never met, Celebration, Florida by Greg Wohead is a quietly surreal show for anyone who has ever missed anyone or anything. Get tickets here! Veering between reality and simulation, Celebration, Florida orbits around ideas of surrogacy; a stand-in to replace a person you miss, a re-creation of an experience you can't stop thinking […]
Featuring two unrehearsed performers who have never met, Celebration, Florida by Greg Wohead is a quietly surreal show for anyone who has ever missed anyone or anything. Get tickets here! Veering between reality and simulation, Celebration, Florida orbits around ideas of surrogacy; a stand-in to replace a person you miss, a re-creation of an experience you can't stop thinking […]
Featuring two unrehearsed performers who have never met, Celebration, Florida by Greg Wohead is a quietly surreal show for anyone who has ever missed anyone or anything. Get tickets here! Veering between reality and simulation, Celebration, Florida orbits around ideas of surrogacy; a stand-in to replace a person you miss, a re-creation of an experience you can't stop thinking […]
Featuring two unrehearsed performers who have never met, Celebration, Florida by Greg Wohead is a quietly surreal show for anyone who has ever missed anyone or anything. Get tickets here! Veering between reality and simulation, Celebration, Florida orbits around ideas of surrogacy; a stand-in to replace a person you miss, a re-creation of an experience you can't stop thinking […]
Featuring two unrehearsed performers who have never met, Celebration, Florida by Greg Wohead is a quietly surreal show for anyone who has ever missed anyone or anything. Get tickets here! Veering between reality and simulation, Celebration, Florida orbits around ideas of surrogacy; a stand-in to replace a person you miss, a re-creation of an experience you can't stop thinking […]
Featuring two unrehearsed performers who have never met, Celebration, Florida by Greg Wohead is a quietly surreal show for anyone who has ever missed anyone or anything. Get tickets here! Veering between reality and simulation, Celebration, Florida orbits around ideas of surrogacy; a stand-in to replace a person you miss, a re-creation of an experience you can't stop thinking […]