Magnets on the Fridge #NewDenver
Magnets on the Fridge #NewDenver
A Live Sit-com! Once a month, come hang out as four 40-something friends attempt to deal with the new normal. $10 tickets
A Live Sit-com! Once a month, come hang out as four 40-something friends attempt to deal with the new normal. $10 tickets
loosely based off his memoir, “Tragedy Plus Time.”
A crowd-sourced variety show focused on sharing experiences of collective action and anti oppression work. Check out the Facebook Event or the EventBrite Event for more info.
At We Still Like You, Denver's best comedians and storytellers share their most embarrassing and shameful moments, only to be forgiven with a rousing cry of "We still like you!" It's a raucous celebration of recognizing the shame in all of us—because if we're all idiots, none of us are. $7 online $10 at the […]
The Great Debate pits teams of non-experts head-to-head, toe-to-toe, and often dumb-and-dumber in lively debates of the inconsequential. Mundane topics are brought to life by ordinary, but opinionated folks. You're bound to be a flip-flopper after listening to compelling arguments on things that never mattered. Tickets $8 online ($7-$9 at the door)
A live storytelling show and podcast based in Denver, Colorado. Hosted by Ron S. Doyle and Erin Rollman. Comedians, actors, musicians, writers, and other fascinating folks share true stories from their lives, centered on a monthly theme. This month's theme is "Over the Top." Learn more and listen to the podcast at Doors open at […]