A period show based on nine short stories by the marvelous James Thurber. The show is comprised of eight vignettes that revolve around the trials and tribulations of married life: the flailing Mr. Monroe attempts to valiantly fight a bat in order to impress his off-stage wife, a silent couple have vivid imaginary arguments spurred by a magazine advice column, a wife drags her husband to divorce court because his habit of holding his breath is driving her crazy as he “looks like a perfectly swollen eye-popping goop”…and on….The scenes range in mood and style, mirroring Thurber’s ability to paint pictures both funny and touching, outlandish and true.
Preformed with “Word-Horde” as the first part of 2 in 1 in Season 1 and 3
and performed with “> Cinderella” during our 10th season.
- Westword- At Buntport, two one-acts reflect the company’s style: clever, playful and inventive
- Westword- Cutting Edge
- Rocky mountain news- Buntport brilliant in reprise of ‘2 in 1’
- Denver post- Buntport finds new laughs in its archives
- Go Go Mag- 2 in one
- Rocky mountain news- Buntport’s one-acts are a hoot
- Gazette- ‘Significant Bother’ Portrays Misery of Marriage in Charmings Vignettes
- Independent- Domestic Blisters: Thurber stories a hit