Buntport Theater

Two people are standing, knees bent in action. The woman is angrily talking, the man looks confused and surprised. They are standing a dry prairie scene, where a taxidermied badger and rattlesnake are facing off. The backdrop is a painted scene with distant mountains.

Coyote. Badger. Rattlesnake.

This new comedy looks behind-the-scenes of a museum nature diorama. Join Carroll and Glenn as they painstakingly re-create a moment in the lives of three animals. Working on this outmoded intersection of science and art, they are confronted with their own humanity. Being alive among the dead – real among the fake – can be taxing.


Close up of a page in a book. Underlined in the book is part of a sentence that says “least it was peaceful: regular, ordered, and…”. In the margins next to the underlined sentence someone wrote in capital letters, “ explanation point, question mark WHAT EVER”.A woman dressed in an apron and wearing a hat is looking up at the camera and holding a book open with her right hand. She looks a little disappointed with what has been written in the margins of the book.

The Book Handlers


Do you have a large library full of beautiful but unread books? Never fear! The Book Handlers are here to make your books look worn-in and well-read. Look cultured, cultivated, literate without all the fuss of actually having to read anything. A satire inspired by a short story by Brian O’Nolan.


A broken plastic rocking horse sits on a hardwood floor. It has two discarded, broken baby dolls around it.

The Crud


An absurd fairy tale about both the crud on your floor and the crud in your head. (more…)

A group of people are crowded into a bathroom. A band with instruments sits in the bath tub. Two people, seemingly entwined, attempt to brush their teeth in the foreground.

10 Myths on the Proper Application of Beauty Products


An adaptation of local author Miriam Suzanne’s novel Riding SideSaddle*, which is printed on 250 interchangeable index cards and is an “open source” text, meant to be added to, adapted, morphed into something new. Pretty much like a Buntport play. (more…)